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Tuesday = Wednesday

Yesterday was crazy. Dan, Rychel, and Whitney spent most of the day helping us in whatever ways they could. We got the fridge into the house, the shower broken down and loaded into the truck, the deck broken down and loaded into the truck, did a deep cleaning, touched up stain and paint, moved some of the storage boxes/seating into the house, and even had time to get some decorating done!

One of my tasks for the day was to hook the trailer up and go for a test drive. I wanted to double check that the brakes were all working properly and that everything would be good to go for Tuesday. But, I still hadn't removed the storage box, which would the Kia making the tight turn out of the driveway. Once, we got that removed, it was time to figure out how we were going to transport it. We tried putting it in the Subaru. Nope. The Kia. Nope. On the front of the motorcycle trailer. Nope. How about on the roof of the truck? Maybe....

We struggled for a few minutes trying to get the box (~ 100lbs and awkward) onto the truck, before one of the neighbors came over with an aluminum ladder that we used as a ramp. That did the trick, and we pushed/pulled the box onto the truck and tied it down. The truck is starting to look like the car out of National Lampoon's Vacation. There is stuff tied down everywhere!

With everything loaded, I went out for a test ride. Everything worked great! Yay!

Around 8PM, as I'm fumbling around in the driveway in the dark, Shenee came out and asked how I was doing. I told her that I was exhausted and that there was just no way we were going to be able to leave tomorrow. Unfortunately there are only so many hours in the day, and there is still just too much to get done. I've been getting up at 4am and staying up until 11pm trying my best to finish everything, but it's just not going to happen. We agreed that we didn't really have anywhere we needed to be, and leaving on Wednesday instead of Tuesday wasn't really going to be a problem. I'm a bit relieved to have one more day, because I'm sure we will have another surprise or two pop up.

I spent the next two hours with Shenee and Whitney going through my clothes, figuring out what to bring and what to leave. In the process, we found my sweet 80's one piece snow suit, which Whitney was kind enough to model. That suit is DEFINITELY coming with me!


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